Trafalgar Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 9AS

01206 573519

Lexden Primary School

Community, Courage, Curiosity and Commitment

The Carnival of the Animals project: 2024-2026


Have a look at what each class has been up to in their Carnival of the Animals journey. Each class chose a piece (or two) from the suite of 14 movements. They are now using these to inspire creative arts and cultural experiences.

Year 6 - Birds

Year 5 - Aquarium

Batik - using hot wax to create resist patterns, then fabric dye to colour.

Year 4 - Birds

Year 3 - Donkeys and swans

Year 2 - Lions

Printing - using hand-carved polystyrene tiles and printing ink

Year 1 - Elephants

Reception - Fossils

Nursery - Hens and roosters