Trafalgar Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 9AS

01206 573519

Lexden Primary School

Community, Courage, Curiosity and Commitment

What if I think my child has SEND?

We work hard to meet the learning needs of all our pupils through our high quality teaching and learning, providing differentiated work and a personalised approach, but if you are concerned, we are here to help:

  • Speak to you child's class teacher;
  • Contact our SENCO/Deputy Headteacher, Mrs S Lloyd, through the school office;


At Lexden Primary our aims are:

  • a caring whole-school environment within which all pupils can learn and develop to their full potential
  • to ensure that the contributions and achievements of all pupils are valued, so that all pupils experience the success which is essential for developing self-esteem
  • to ensure the involvement of all staff in maintaining high expectations for all pupils and responding to the needs of all pupils
  • to work in partnership with parents so that they are able to play their part in supporting their child’s education
  • to ensure that the child is involved in the planning and reviewing of his/her progress
  • to promote the appreciation of pupils as individuals with differing interests, knowledge and skill
  • to ensure that SEND support is seen as an entitlement for pupils who need it, rather than as a special addition to their education

SEND Support

A few pupils, despite targeted group support and high quality teaching, make little or no progress.  These pupils are given additional support that is different from that received by others and this is referred to as SEND support. 

Education Health and Care Plans

(EHC Plans)

Pupils whose need for long term support at a highly individualised level may require an EHC Plan.

All pupils who are part of the ENPRO have an ECH Plan because of their high level of need.

We involve parents through:

  • Planning and Review meetings
  • Advice on how to support learning at home
  • Regular contact between home and school, e.g. home/school book, email or text
  • Individual pupil/ teacher conversations
  • Home School Liaison Worker
  • Home visits
  • Pre-school and school visits
  • Joint working visits with other professional services

The Graduated Response

At Lexden we have an approach where the children’s needs are assessed and an action plan put in place.  The plan is reviewed on a regular cycle:




At Lexden the children are at the centre of their review.


Other people/agencies we work with


Specialist Teacher Team

Educational Psychologist

Speech and Language Therapist

Occupational Therapist



Community Paediatrician

Children's and Adolescent's Mental Health Service

School Nurse

Specialist Nursing Team