- The aims of our first aid policy are to:Ensure the health and safety of all staff, pupils and visitors.
- Ensure that staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities with regards to health and safety.
- Provide a framework for responding to an incident and recording and reporting the outcomes.
Effective feedback is integral to effective teaching and learning. It contributes to a continuous drive to improve assessment for learning across the school and impacts directly on pupil’s subsequent learning.
Our school aims to:
- Have robust processes in place to ensure the online safety of pupils, staff, volunteers and governors
- Deliver an effective approach to online safety, which empowers us to protect and educate the whole school community in its use of technology, including mobile and smart technology (which we refer to as ‘mobile phones’)
- Establish clear mechanisms to identify, intervene and escalate an incident, where appropriate
This calculation policy has been written in line with the programmes of study taken from the revised National Curriculum for Mathematics (2014). It provides guidance on appropriate calculation methods and progression. The content is set out in yearly blocks under the following headings: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur, all pupils should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING school. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff. Behaviour Policy
A good, well-managed homework programme helps children and young people to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful lifelong learning. Homework also supports the development of independent learning skills and provides parents/carers with an opportunity to take part in their children's education.
Attendance and Leave of Absence Policy
Lexden Primary School is committed to providing high quality inclusive learning opportunities for all pupils. We believe that if pupils are to achieve their best, then excellent attendance is crucial. It is the policy of Lexden Primary School to celebrate achievement. Full attendance is a critical factor in ensuring positive educational outcomes for our pupils.
Lexden Primary School is committed to providing an appropriate and high quality education to all children. Our school provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework and National Curriculum are our starting points for planning that meets the specific needs of individuals and groups of children. When planning, teachers set suitable learning challenges and respond to children’s diverse learning needs. Some children have barriers to learning that mean they have special needs and require particular action by the school.
For more information, please click on the SEN tab.
Lexden Primary School Uniform Guidelines
Our school uniform is one of the ways in which we help our school to have a strong identity. We encourage children to wear their uniform
with pride. All pupils are expected to wear our school uniform as detailed.
The school encourages feedback or opinions from pupils and parents. In practice this dialogue is continuous, sometimes directly and also indirectly, for example, through the Parents’ Association. It may not always be possible to act immediately but pupils and the school always benefit so please don't hold back.
Lexden Primary School actively supports healthy eating and drinking throughout the school day. Our aim is to
- ensure that all aspects of food and nutrition in school promote the health and wellbeing of pupils, staff and visitors to the school;
- actively support the ‘5 a day’ campaign to encourage children to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day;
- be a ‘Nut Aware’ school (refer to the Food Allergy Policy attached);
- provide nutritious, healthy school meals cooked fresh each day;
- promote consumption of healthy lunch box food by providing guidelines for parents/carers;
- provide a clean, safe and enjoyable environment for pupils, staff and visitors to enjoy their food;
- ensure that there is access to nutritious food and a safe, easily available water supply;
- ensure that food provision in the school reflects ethical and medical requirements.
Admission Policy
All applications for places in our school must be made through the Local Authority, Essex County Council. Admissions can be contacted on Tel: 033301 32244 or via www.essex.gov.uk.
Lexden Primary School offers enhanced provision of 18 places for children with a hearing impairment who have an (EHCP) Education Health Care Plan. Applications for one of these places should be made through the Statutory Assessment Service in the first instance.
The school also has a 26 place Nursery Class. Children are eligible for a place (subject to availability) from the term after their third birthday. The school manages applications for nursery places, please go to the Nursery tab on this website for more information.
Our sports team selection policy throughout the school is to encourage students to enjoy all aspects of PE whether it is competitive, creative or individual. This encourages young people to actively engage and participate in physical activity and sport throughout their lives, which have many health and social benefits.
Relationship Sex and health Education Policy
Relationship and Sex Education is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils and involves learning about relationships, sexual health, sexuality, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity. It involves a combination of sharing information and exploring issues and values. Sex and Relationship Education is not about the promotion of sexual activity.
The study of English develops children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes, including the communication of their ideas, views and feelings. Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of non-fiction and media texts. Children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Children use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across a range of different situations.
At Lexden we aim for our children to leave in Year 6 with the ability to write using their own style of fast, fluent, legible and sustainable handwriting, as well as other styles of writing for specific purposes. In addition to teaching handwriting during our regular handwriting lessons, we have high expectations that what is taught and practiced in handwriting lessons will be used in all writing activities. We believe that handwriting is integral to a child’s personal development and know that children’s engagement and self-esteem can be improved by their satisfaction and pride in good quality presentation.