Trafalgar Road, Colchester, Essex CO3 9AS

01206 573519

Lexden Primary School

Community, Courage, Curiosity and Commitment

Reading Spines

Each Year group Reading Spine consists of high quality texts that develop the children’s vocabulary. There are key texts that embody the school’s curriculum drivers and values of Community, Courage and Commitment; texts that celebrate the diversity in our school, promoting inclusion; a high quality poetry text and texts that the class teacher has chosen to share their pleasure for reading. This spine is reviewed annually to adapt to the community of the school and celebrate new books. These books represent the core reading experiences the children will have, they are supplemented with many other books and rhymes.

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Year 3,4,5 and 6 

World Book Day 2023

We celebrated WBD 2023 by embracing our love of all things books! Children chose to dress up as their favourite characters, create potato or spoon character mascots and bring in their favourite books if they wanted. 

Some of the older children took part in 'The Great Booky Footy Quiz' hosted by and quizzed by famous footballers. The younger children took part in shared reading with other classes and found inventive places to read in.

Classes carried out fun book-based activities and in the afternoon, house leaders led their houses (Collingwood, Trafalgar, Nelson and Ratcliffe) in an activity based on a well-loved children's picture book.